Friday 21 February 2014

Eyewitness Testimony of Gov't UFO Conspiracy and Cover-up

We have mentioned this fellow before.  Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer exposes the truth behind government cover-ups and the UFO and extraterrestrial conspiracy.  

The interview above was shared from the YouTube channel Sirius Disclosure.

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Saturday 15 February 2014

UFO Sightings, Hidden Treasures and 'Magic Toys'

The internet is full of information both useless and informative.  The problem is sorting through all of the weeds just to get to the roses.  We have people to sort for us @UFO_Logic so you can benefit from more roses than weeds.

One of our favourite sites for verifiable information is the YouTube channel 'ThirdPhaseOfMoon' which is put together by a couple of brothers Blake and Brent Cousins.  They find amazing video, check out the 'hoax factor' and post legitimate videos to share with the world.

The following video was posted last April (2013) and though it has had over 100,000 views, we figured that wasn't enough and that we'd re-share the exciting content of this amazing video. 

Now just to be fair there is another video which should be viewed for a broader perspective on UFOlogy.  YouTube user 'SheilaAliens' has a Skype interview with Blake Cousins from 'ThirdPhaseOfMoon' wherein the two discuss the use of 'faked footage' to build an audience and eventually get to the real deal.  
To satisfy those who wish to look at all sides of the information, this is that interview (we picked the video up and shared from YouTube user apparentlyapparel).

Now, keeping with the exposition of truth and lies, we are reposting this latest video from 'SheilaAliens' YouTube channel which discusses "Corrupt 'Truthers'" to help us know what to look for.  

Honesty isn't a given, and when on the path of #Disclosure, one needs to use discernment in order to find the truth.  Unfortunately there are hoaxes and fakes, nothing wrong with that if it is explained as FICTION.  The hoaxers may wish to find work in the film and television industry as that IS the outlet for them.  There are those out in this big beautiful world who won't tell you that their masterful CGI and digital animation skills are the REAL source of an amazing UFO shot.  Partially, I believe that this is not necessarily meant to steer us in the wrong direction, though in many cases it does, but meerly a venue to show off their skills and see how believable their fictitious images appear. 
Still need to have a disclaimer in the ABOUT section on YouTube however to allow us to know immediately.

Now that that's out of the way, here is the 'SheilaAliens' video we promised.

Still reading?  Good.  Now for the fun stuff.  The following link is a sponsored link but speaking of discernment, we have chosen only to promote that which is fun, exciting, hopefully educational, and preferably paranormally oriented.  

Here is some info to help you understand what these 'Magic Toys' do:

Amazon is set up so that anyone who purchases an item can leave a review of the item.  Read carefully before purchasing to make a better informed decision.  Keep in mind that you are not these purchasers and may have a different perspective than they.  You are unique and only you know if the product is right for you.

Have a great day, and keep your eyes to the sky!

Friday 17 January 2014

Orbs in Canada

Over the holidays a family living near Calgary, Canada had decided to investigate some strange noises in a basement room which is currently being renovated.  Often times the residents had heard banging and other noises coming from this room while nobody was occupying the space.  

The above video is just a portion of some amazing indoor phenomena captured by this family from whom we've obtained special permission for the use of this segment.

Orbs are funny things really, rather their definition is funny in the sense that they describe balls of light usually which can vary in size from a pea to a blimp.  Found both indoors and out, the larger ones are usually believed to be extraterrestrial or interdimensional crafts.  The smaller ones tend to be that of spirits, either disembodied, or angels or guides for us humans.

The video below shows how to summon these orbs, whatever they may be.

This last video however is the big one.  There are many news reports from ABC, FOX, CNN, RT and more which include extraordinary examples of orbs from around the globe.  Many of these sightings are confirmed by military and airports as not being airplanes, as well as an interview with Nick Pope, former U.K. Gov't UFO investigator, crop circles and more.

In September of 2012, I had personally witnessed several of these orbs just prior to sunset just outside Victoria, Canada near the Esquimalt Naval Yard.  I went out my front door for some air and noticed a strange flock of birds which turned out to be too far away to be birds as they'd be gigantic.  The orbs seemed to zig-zag in and out of the few low clouds over the city.  We experienced them for about 1/2 hour before they disbursed.  Within a week I discovered a book at the local thrift shop which contained documented Canadian sightings of UFOs.  Much to my surprise, in 1968 in the same area where I saw the orbs, there was a documented sighting by Naval personnel.  

We'll tell you more about the book in a later post, for now enjoy these videos.

Friday 3 January 2014

The Chualar Farm Crop Circles.

Lovely little message this week on December 30, 2013.  If only we understood the code.  Seems to be brail and a series of 192, 192, 192 sort of thing.  We've posted a video series on our main site ufologic which pieces together a bit of information here and there from a couple of old sources and new which helps with the understanding as to what and why they are including a 15 minute clip from one of Patty Greer's amazing crop circle films.

The unseen.  That's what isn't being talked about as much as dismissed in many cases, and even this Chualar Farm Crop Circle outside Selinas, California as well.  Educated people who understand how to do proper research WILL find prime scientific reasons why beer, boys and boards are NOT the source for these elaborate, radiated and intricately woven designs.

Monday 23 December 2013

Strange Skies, SOS, ISON and the ISS

Okay folks, this is from about 16 years ago, but it is still quite pertinent as it hasn't been made public as other stories during it's day and nor has it been made a part of mainstream media as yet.  So here goes folks, an attempt at bringing more information to the more mainstream public.

Now the video directly above has more recent ties and did make mainstream media, at least in Canada as far as we know.  It shows a cylindrical object as filmed by the ISS camera.  It is one of several from as early as 2011, yet as we stated is more recent.  In fact it's a UFO filmed from the ISS from December of 2013.  

If you don't have enough to watch, you can always check out this clip of news bits about the comet ISON.  If you didn't hear, we have a large comet in our neighborhood.  Like borrowing sugar close to us at the moment.  It passed Mars a few weeks ago, and zipped or sling-shotted around our Sun and is now in a transit back passed Earth; passing closer than any comet any of us earthlings have been physically alive to see in our present lifetime.

Finally we have to share this amazing video of the Black Knight.  Nikola Tesla was the first in our modern era to discover this back in the 1870's and it has baffled humans ever since.  

How is it even possible to have such a seemingly advanced piece of machinery in our orbit before we even invented passenger jets?  Further, why can't anyone figure out where it came from, how it got there or even, probably most importantly, WHY it is hanging about in our solar system.

Friday 8 November 2013


We are currently in the process of gathering great footage of extraterrestrial craft and strange things heard and seen around the globe.  For complete guidelines please send a quick hello to us at:

Monday 17 June 2013

They Are Here

UFOs Are Here Now

Throughout our history it has been a mystery as to what those weird lights in the sky are.  They've been seen since even before the dark ages, recorded on cave walls and even in paintings of the Virgin Mary.  One thing is certain, that they are here and have been since before we thought about writing our languages down.

The question is, WHO are they?

This site is an open forum, a hub and a part of my own personal quest for understanding that which has previously been hidden from us, mostly by government in North America and around the world.

We did say 'previously hidden' because of the above video.  Hon. Paul Hellyer, Canada's former defense minister in front of a U.S. Senate Committee explaining that there are in fact extra terrestrials working with government at the moment.  Great Britain's Nick Pope had run the British governments UFO project and is now speaking publicly about this.  The link ( ) will take you to a great interview with him by Graham Hancock, another great source of information on this topic.

This may appear to be the beginning of a global disclosure of extra terrestrial activity here on our planet, but it is far from the beginning.  Truth be told, there has been enough 'evidence' for a very long time, however it was government policy to make any witnesses out to be discredited whenever they came forward.  This would discourage, and to this day still discourages some, anyone from coming forward with information as they would be seen as mentally unstable.  Go figure.

Many people debate on whether these are real phenomena or imaginary, yet I can assure you, there are some experiences in this life which defy words.  One of those "you had to be there" moments could make you a believer instantly.

We aren't trying to change your mind if you don't believe though, so you can get rid of that thought.  We are simply here to add to the countless forums about the phenomena to keep an open dialog.

All the best, people!  Keep your eyes to the skies!